Friday, August 10, 2007

Welcome Back to School!

I'm thrilled about starting a new year. I can't wait to get to know all of you. I am confident that we will learn so much from one another this year.

This first post is an INVITATION to parents. Please use this forum for a way to ask questions, give compliments, voice concerns, clarify assignments, or anything else you can think of posting.

At this time I would love getting feedback about Orientation. Getting feedback from you allows me to improve as a teacher and a person. I grow when you provide me with constructive criticism and I learn what works well with compliments. Please, feel free to voice your opinion. If you need something to post about, start with Orientation Night. I'm sure I gave you plenty to discuss.

I look forward to BLOGGING with you.


Unknown said...

Hey there Mrs. Duggleby! Joshua is sure excited about the start of school. He laughed when we told him how much enthusiasm you had at Orientation. You seemed to have a strong, healthy, "fun" attitude towards 3rd grade and "your students" - I'm sure it will be reflected in the students as well.

Best of luck for your first day and week!

Bob Clemens

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I miss everybody at SPCS. I hope to see everybody soon.

Kaeli Bryant

Anonymous said...

Hi 3rd graders.

I just wanted to let you all know how exciting it was to watch you do your book characaters. Being a parent watching you was so much fun. I can tell how hard all of you worked on your presentations. They were all awesome. I think watching Mrs. Dugglebery & Mrs. Tilson was so cool. You could see their faces beaming with pride as each of you did your presentations. You make me want to read everyone of the books. All the books sounded so interesting.

Thanks for letting me join in by watching you. I loved it!

Mrs. Meyers

Anonymous said...

i hope that 3rd grade goes well and you all have fun. all of the 3rd graders are going to love it!!!