Thursday, October 4, 2007

Vocabulary Scavengers

Lately, we have been keen to notice new and interesting vocabulary. We are super excited about our vocabulary hat parade. Some interesting words we have used just in the past hours include: enunciate, articulate, & petrified. What interesting words have you used lately?


Mrs. Lake said...

Hi Third Graders! I hope all of you have been choosing interesting vocabulary words to talk about. Make sure you ask the Fifth Graders about it as well!

Our "Interesting Vocabulary Words" chart is completely blank! I think I am going to add procrastinate. Do you know what this means? If so, make sure you let me know! I have a special treat for all that do.

Mrs. Lake

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Duggleby

I came across a word my great grandma use to say. It is balderdash. Do you know what that means? It means nonsense.


Mrs. Duggleby said...

One of my favorite games to play is called Balderdash. I'm so glad that you told me what that word means. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Lake,

I know what procrastinate means
it means to put off doing things that you don`t want to do.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Lake,
Procrastinate means to wait until the last minute to do everything. I agree with Kayla's defintion.