Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Third Grade students, here is your first blog challenge. Tell me what it means to be patriotic. I would really like it if you wrote about some of the things we have been learning in class: the pledges, the National Anthem, or about American symbols. Are you proud to be an American? Please post a developed paragraph about this topic.

Perhaps early "posters" will be given a treat at school.


Eliana said...

Patriotic means to honor our country and the symbols like the flag, Liberty Bell, National Anthem, and the bald eagle. It also means to honor the people who have kept it and still fight for freedom.

I am proud to be an American because America is a free country.

Eliana said...

I thought it would be fun to challenge our third grade class to wear patriotic clothes on Thursday. How about that?

Maria said...

What a great afternoon the kids had singing the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America and America the Beautiful among others!

Thank you Mrs. Duggleby for making learning about some of our American symbols so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I am proud to be an American. Patriotic is to honor our county by saying the National Anthem.


Anonymous said...

Patriotic means saying the Pledge of Allegiance. It also means to love our country and to honor those who defend it.

I'm proud to be an American!!
